{"id":449,"date":"2020-11-12T16:18:53","date_gmt":"2020-11-12T16:18:53","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/cscsecurity.org\/?page_id=449"},"modified":"2020-11-15T00:21:08","modified_gmt":"2020-11-15T00:21:08","slug":"fire-prevention","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/cscsecurity.org\/fire-prevention\/","title":{"rendered":"Fire Prevention"},"content":{"rendered":"
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Fire Prevention<\/h1><\/div><\/div><\/div>\n\n\n \"Image\"\n<\/span>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n\n
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Resident families in Castellammare represent various socio-economic levels, from pensioners to the top 2% wage-earners in the US. Regardless of differences, the community unites when it comes to the safety and protection of family and property. In July of 2019, just before the height of fire season, neighbors discovered that the overgrown conditions of the adjacent State parkland presented the community with its highest vulnerability to wildfire.<\/p><\/div>\n\n


One neighbor spear-headed research on the parkland, contacted the local department of State Parks and discovered that this sizeable piece of property had not been cleared for over 20 years due to lack of funding. Working her way up the chain of command did nothing to change that viewpoint. So, resident organizers who are now part of CSC went to the community, alerted them to the problem and asked for contributions. And the Brush Clearance Initiative was created.<\/p>\n

After watching the Woolsey Fire of 2018 destroy multi-million dollar homes in Malibu from the hillsides to the sea, our community took action. To date, BCI has received $110,000 in donations and performed two major brush clearance projects that addressed the removal of parkland grasses and non-indigenous shrubs up to 100 feet from habitable structures, cleared a quarter-mile swath of the perimeter along Los Liones Drive to provide the neighborhood's first line of defense against the possibility of a wind-driven wildfire emanating from the Santa Monica Mountains across the street, and removed several dead pine trees.<\/p>\n

Twenty-plus years of growth cannot be mitigated in the course of twelve months and maintenance of the parkland will be a constant issue. CSC continues seeking donations and presenting fundraising events to keep the Brush Clearance Initiative fund healthy for years to come. The preventative measures made possible by these donations not only help to protect Castellammare, but every other nearby community as well. <\/p><\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n\n

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Thank You For Your Contributions<\/h2><\/div><\/div><\/div>\n\n

Castellammare Security Committee is all about neighbors helping to make their community safer and more secure for everyone. Your contributions are critical to the sustainability of measures you and other residents have chosen as important to the well-being of your family and property.<\/p>\n

While Contributing Members typically donate $200 and Gold Circle Members give $500, CSC recognizes the economic diversity of Castellammare and is grateful for whatever amount you wish to contribute.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Current Initiatives include BRUSH CLEARANCE and SECURITY CAMERAS. You may direct your donation to whichever initiative you wish to support. Alternatively, you may contribute to the GENERAL FUND, where donations are distributed equally among the initiatives. Thank you again for supporting the safety and security of our neighborhood.<\/p><\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n\n